
Last updated 22 Jan 2025.


The following is a list of books from my shelves (unsorted for now). I don’t have that many since books are expensive here, even used ones.

It’s not necessarily that I have read all of the books in the list. I just want to look cool on the Internet™me when Internet validation. Don’t ask me why I have Captain Underpants and some other stupid books. Actually, you can ask why, but don’t be surprised. Let’s pretend that me having those books is a small part of the dialectical unfolding of me as a being or whatever.

The following is a list of some weeb crap that would defile the previous list if put next to Captain Underpants. All of these are Indonesian editions. Since the manga and LN industry in Indonesia is monopolized by Kompas Gramedia and its subsidiaries & imprints, I don’t bother putting the (in-house or probably outsourced a la neolib economy xd) translators and publisher names.

Manga, unless stated, …

… and some other doujin books from nijigen ibento such as Comic Frontier

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