Removed darknet mirrors, fixed RSS feed
The server on which I hosted my Tor and i2p mirrors was obliterated. At the same time, I decided to fix the RSS feed of my “blog” that has been broken for a long time.
Added oshi section
I have added it a few days ago, actually, but I rewrote it for better Hugo management.
Moved update "blogs" to site updates section
This section is now a proper site updates section!
Added library section
I updated the Readings section of the Library to make it more like a, well, library. Is it necessary to put this kind of update here? Maybe. I don’t know.
RIP in peace nikotile.xyz
I think I will relinquish
because… I don’t want to pay for it xD. Long liveniko.jir.moe
Moved to Hugo
The changes over time might sound confusing, but basically I used to use Node.js -> lb -> Node.js again -> less verbose Node.js -> current iteration, which is Hugo. Yes, I rewrote my website again!
Rewrote in Node
Several months ago, I changed this website from a simple server that serves HTML files to a gimmicky Node.js server. I was curious about Node.js after seeing jschan. Since I had a lot of free time, I decided to learn some programming. I have no background in computers or stuff like that, so it was a very difficult process.
Moved from lb
I previously used lb for my blog and RSS feed generation. I will write my website in Node.